Marketing , Claudia Diller
The marketing budget this year will include:
The UCA general information brochure to be handed out at our show are now available. They are designed for prospective new members and businesses to try to enlist their participation in this organization as a community member. If you would like some to share with artists you know or businesses that would make good community partners for UCA , they can be picked up in Kingfield or I will mail to anyone interested.
Inclusion in the Events Calendar on Sugarloaf's website
Ad for Sugarloaf Art Show and write-up about UCA scholarship fund in the Flagstaff Visitors Guide with a year-round presence and free distribution.
Ad in DE Magazine - tracked as the best advertising vehicle for the Sugarloaf Art Show
Ad in Sugarloaf Ski Club Homecoming issue which is mailed to over a thousand Sugarloaf skiers and condo owners.
Ad and write-up for the Sugarloaf Art Show in The Irregular’s Homecoming issue.
Posters and rack cards to market the Sugarloaf Art Show
Business Outreach
The board also discussed reaching out to businesses for membership. Benefits would be the same for businesses as members, but would also be marketed as good for their business in terms of drawing attention to their services by our members.
Members of the board took on the task of each approaching five businesses in their area. UCA's brochure will be reprinted with a stand alone application piece geared toward businesses. In the future, UCA will approach businesses with a proposal to sponsor the children’s workshops held during the Sugarloaf Art Show.