Due to forecasted weather we have rescheduled the quarterly meeting from 2/7 to Friday, February 14th. We are also looking into creating an online meeting option. Please email upcountryartists@gmail.com if that is of interest to you.
Quarterly Meeting
February 14, 2020 at 10 AM
Claudia Diller’s home
37 Riverside Street
Kingfield, Maine
207 874 0292
Board Members:
Jean Benson, Secretary
Paula Wade, treasurer
Karen Campbell-Vice President
Kathleen Perelka-President
Board Members:
Claudia Diller
Christy Whitmore
Peggy Gallant
Mission Statement - To encourage, support, and develop visual, literary and performing
arts, artists and public art awareness, primarily through education, in inland, central and
western Maine.
Agenda Items:
Set date for next meeting-June 5 th , 10am at Kathy Perelka’s
New board member to replace Wendy Rosenthal
Committee reports
Paula Wade - Treasurers report
Karen Campbell - Sugarloaf Coordinator
Show application updates
Claudia Diller - Marketing and Advertising
Poster Contest: Submission Date by May 10, Decision to be made at June meeting
Christy Whitmore - Website and Social Media
Educational Outreach – Kids Program
Kathy Perelka - Scholarship: New form online and sent to all high school guidance counselors in Franklin, Somerset and Oxford counties
New Business?