Notes about the October 2018 Annual meeting and Invitation to This Year's Meetings with Workshops to Follow!
2018 Annual Membership Meeting
Sunday October 7. About 30 members attended. The UCA Board members were chosen. These include the current officers Kathleen Perelka - President, Karen Campbell - Vice President, Paula Wade - Treasurer, Jean Benson - Secretary); non-officer members are Claudia Diller, Peg Gallant, Joe Gambino, Wendy Rosenthal, and Christy Whitmore.
After some discussion it was decided the UCA would increase the number of annual scholarships from 2 to 3, at a minimum of $1500 per scholarship. If funds exist, the scholarships will be larger.
Upcoming Meetings & Workshops
There are three planned meetings prior to the 2019 Sugarloaf Art Show. Everyone is invited to the meetings, please join us for the meeting and a follow up workshop!
The next meeting is March 8th in Carrabassett Valley at Karen Campbell’s KC’s Kreativity Center. The open meeting is from 10:30am to 11:30. Clay workshop to follow.
For something a bit different and to add interest, the first two 2019 meeting will occur at an UCA artist’s studio and will conclude with a workshop in a specified medium. If these turn out to be popular events, the plan will be to continue them into next year. Because of the need to assemble materials, each workshop will be by RSVP and may involve a materials fee. Some workshops will also have a maximum number of attendees, so get your RSVP in early. If someone would like to host the September 6th meeting, please let us know @
The meeting schedule will be as follows:
10-10:30 Board members only
10:30-11:30 Open meeting on agenda items
(Please email proposed topics/items to Kathleen to be included on the agenda.)
11:30-12 Brown bag lunch
12 Noon Workshop
Friday, March 8 @ KC Kreativity Center, Old Huse Mill Rd, Carrabassett Valley
This month: Board elections
Clay workshop. Topic: Sgraffito. $8. RSVP 207.235.3000.
Friday, June 7 @ Kathleen Perelka’s Studio/Gallery, Canaan
Pastel workshop. Topic: Making your own pastels. Limited to 5 participants. Workshop fee $25. Each participant will make a set of at least 10 handmade pastels. RSVP
Friday, September 6 - Location TBD